Wednesday, 20 December 2006


Welcome to last TT before Christmas.
Only 4 more days and it’s Christmas Eve!!
And just three days and it’s my birthday!!!
Oh my god! So many things to do and so less time!!!!

Okay. So here’s the theme for today’s Thursday Thirteen:

13 things on my “To Do“-List for birthday and Christmas

  1. put some good music on notebook for birthday
  2. think about food for birthday-party
  3. think about what cocktails to offer at party
  4. buy things needed for food and drinks
  5. prepare food
  6. finish ALL Christmas-presents
  7. wrap Christmas presents
  8. buy turkey for Christmas Eve
  9. buy Christmas tree
  10. prepare cakes for birthdays
  11. write Christmas cards to aunties and uncles
  12. wash and dry sofa-plaids
  13. let home become blinky and shiny… =)

and much much more!!!

I could need one or two more days off before Christmas… =)

Keep fingers crossed I’ll manage all that!

Thank you for stopping by and PLEASE don't forget to leave a comment!!!


Anonymous said...

You sure have a lot to do! I hope you get it all done in time!

Laura said...

i'm sure you will get it all done.
my tt is up

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by! Happy TT and Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

you seem motivated..good luck

Caylynn said...

Good luck with everything! It sounds like you have a lot to do. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag und Fröhliche Weihnachten!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Mmmm. Turkey for Christmas Eve. Too bad I won't be in the neighborhood to drop on by -- I'd even help you with some of this stuff in exchange for turkey on Christmas Eve!

Happy TT! Keep the music rockin' on your notebook and it'll all get done.

Unknown said...

All my best wishes for your list to finished =)

Merry Christmas to you and yours,
P.S.: Please visit my TT #6

Und ich hoffe sooooo sehr, dass ich am Samstag wieder fit bin =(

Joely Sue Burkhart said...

Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas! Don't let the to-do list overwhelm you!

i am jen [with1n] said...

You have lots to do!! Happy Early Birthday, and Happy Holidays!!!

Thanks for visiting, and Happy TT!!!

Karla Porter Archer said...

busy busy busy!!

My T13 is my 100 things about me (coincided with T13 day)

Merry Christmas and blessings,

Rene said...

Happy Birthday! My son's birthday is Saturday. He's not into the birthday celebration so I just have to make sure he has his gingerbread cake and presents.

Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

Goodness! You are going to be one busy girl for a few days!

Hoch soll sie leben!
Hoch soll sie leben!
Dreimal Hoch!

Sie lebe hoch
Sie lebe hoch
Sie lebe dreimal hoch


Und, Fröhliche Weihnachten!
(hope I did that correct!

JO said...

Advance Happy birthday and Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

Good Luck crossing things off your list!
Looks like you are going to be real busy!
Merry Christmas.

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

You are one busy girl! Good luck getting everything done! Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas:)

Tink said...

Wow, quite a list! Don't forget to enjoy the Yuletide too! Have a great birthday and a wonderful Christmas!
Thanks for visiting my Yule-TT!

Melissa said...

Wow! You have a lot to get done! Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas!

MaR said...

You'll do just fine I am sure. Enjoy the holidays, relax and have fun too!
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag und frohe Weihnachten!!
Merry Xmas to youuuuuuu

Anonymous said...

Wow! If I had that many things on my list and only 4 or so days to go, I would be having a meltdown! You must be very mentally strong, very organized and/or have lots of elves helping you!

Norma said...

I hope you can get it all done--and you still have some TTs to visit--like mine. Oh dear!

Anonymous said...

As your list's SUCH a busy time of year. But don't forget to slow down and enjoy it! Merry Christmas to you.

Barb said...

Have a wonderful birthday! Great TT! Thanks for dropping by mine!

Cindy Swanson said...

Today is going to be a crazy day for me, as I get ready for an extended family Christmas celebration and my son arriving from Texas tonight, then our celebration on Christmas Day. I have to go grocery shopping!!!

Merry Christmas to you. My TT is up also.

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and I hope you get everything on your list completed.

Anonymous said...

Hallo, Kitty. Ich bin hier von Sanni. Herzlichen Glueckwunsch zum Geburtstag. Alles, alles gute fuer das naechste Jahr and viele mehr.

Mike said...

A good list. Happy TT.

Liz Hill said...

LOL--your list looks a lot like mine!!

Happy Birthday!!